
UI/UX Designer

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Deskripsi profesi ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

Product Design Trainee, part of Tokopedia Product Design Academy. Focusing on UX/UI Researcher and Designer. Trained by Tokopedia Product Design Team (UX Researcher, UX Designer, UI Researcher. Main role as UX Researcher, but being trained with all the knowledges of the whole product design (except UX Engineer)

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Tugas sehari-hari ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

Any task that relates to product design development. Including: 1. Doing research on user experience, user behaviour, usability testing, product research, competitive research, ethnography, user in-depth interview, any qualitative and quantitative research that evolve around user experience (act as UX Researcher) 2. Creating and designing user experience on Tokopedia platform that includes doing ideation, wireframe (wire flow & concept model) creation, prototyping (act as UX Designer) 3. Beautify the user experience prototype (creating high fidelity prototype), creating user interface elements for the products (act as UI Designer) 4. Quarterly report, presentation, and review on the milestones of the projects

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Alasan kenapa memilih profesi ini ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

I love the idea of helping and giving user the most seamless journey yet also beneficial to all the related stakeholders and parties. I love understanding how human mind works and designing the best experience. To me solving user problems is like creating a puzzle. It's tricky, challenging, there is no right or wrong in doing it, as long as the main goal of the product is being well understood by the user, it can be considered as a good product. I love making people to feel more ease with the experience yet satisfied with the interface, because that's how you really retain a user.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Modal yang diperlukan dalam profesi ini ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

Emphaty is a very important deal when it comes to product design. Because in order to build a user-friendly product you have to first put yourself in your users' shoes. Feel their struggle, their pain points, their lack of understanding when using your product. Also acknowledge their needs and wants. But keep in mind you also have your stakeholders' needs which is also important to be fulfilled. So emphaty is playing a great deal in product design. The mindset of design thinking and problem solving is also a necessity in product design, which all these can be shaped by learning by doing process.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Tahap untuk mencapai posisi dalam profesi ini ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

1. Learn the concept of design thinking. Apply that concept in your life if you must. 2. Read all UI/UX articles, cases. 3. Start doing the UI/UX cases. 4. If it's needed, apply for UI/UX course 5. Exercise. Until now, there's no really a standard for formal curriculum for UI/UX profession (yet). Even there are courses and everything, it's still not enough to learn about UI/UX. Because a good UI/UX designer must be shaped though experiences. The more you practice/excercise, the better you are. 6. Apply. Don't just sit around and wait for a miracle to happen. You have to start making it happen. Start applying to the UI/UX jobs. The more jobs you apply, the more you know what to improve.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Hal yang disukai/pengalaman paling berkesan selama menjalani profesi ini ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

When the needs and wants of the users and the stakeholders meet. Everyone is happy with the product. You'll feel like you actually make an impact and that's a great feeling.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Kendala yang ditemukan dalam profesi ini, serta bagaimana cara mengatasinya ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

1. Set a meeting point based on the users' needs and wants and the stakeholders'. 2. Making everyone (i mean literally everyone) happy thoroughly with the product.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Miskonsepi umum tentang profesi ini ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

People often think in becoming a product designer, you must at least have background that relates to design, computer science, data, research, etc. But in the reality, product designers come from different types of backgrounds. I'm an accountant graduate myself. I'm proud to say that I'm a product designer and I really love what I'm doing.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Jenjang karier di profesi ini ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

You can come from any kind of background. As long as you are capable of doing the basic things of product designers, don't hesitate to apply. Product designers can be differentiate into 4 types: 1. UX Researcher 2. UX Designer 3. UI Designer 4. UX Engineer Starting from one of the four types, you can continue the career path to Senior (example: Senior UX Designer), then you can either choose Product Design Lead or Principle Product Design (choose one), then the last position will be Head of Product Design

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Apa sih advise terbaik kamu buat mahasiswa/pelajar agar sukses berkarier dan berkarya dimasa depan ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

Never limit yourself. Your capabilities are beyond what you know, sometimes they might surprise you. Whatever stage you are right now, whatever major you are in, whatever campus you study at, whatever dream job you have in mind, the one think to keep in mind is: never limit yourself. Be realistic is important but never limit yourself. Don't stop before you try. It's okay to fail. Because success never happens in one night, success is not a miracle, you can't just sit around, wishing, and waiting for it to happen. You have to make it happen. Dream big and fight for it.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia
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