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Kurikulum jurusan ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

It helps me a lot in shaping my mindset of striving in struggles, disciplines, go above and beyond in doing something, and always give my best. I never liked accounting, never did, never have, probably never will? But the curriculum they have in my campus push me hard to give my best. Learning accounting in my campus is unbelievably hard. But they have a really good curriculum set, which is well designed and updated.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Sarana dan prasarana yang mendukung ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

I joined lots of campus activity in which I developed a lot of soft skill set. It helps me a lot in facing real working environments. I joined a part time job program as a marketing assistant of my campus, there I laid my finger on the first job-like experience, which was very exciting yet challenging. It helped me to advance in my internships later on.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Kualitas pengajar ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

My lecturers were all very well educated, highly dedicated people with whom I learned a lot of things. I'm not merely talking about the formal education but also about the life lessons which will be useful for all the students later in the future. Most of them are open to discussions with the students and far from self-centered personality.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia


ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

On the top of my head what I can say is, CDC can be more open to the career possi ilities changes. I know that I came from a campus that is focused on accounting and management, but it'll be nice to give the students understanding and view that they can be whatever they want in the future. They can work in whole different field despite what their majors are. It's okay to give the view to accounting students that they can also be other things, like copywriter, product manager, product designer, digital marketing, etc. It's also okay to give view to management students that they can be other things too, such as software developer, creative director, content creator, consultant, graphic designer, and many more. Give them careerpath views that are new, promising, Gen Z-like, and are in demand.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia

Kesempatan untuk mengembangkan luar kampus ?

ditanyakan oleh Tim Rencanamu

Organization is a necessity. Exchange is also great to give the students more experiences in new environments. Internship program is actually very critical now. Students with internship experience are more likely to be considered than a 'pure' freshgraduate.

Jawaban dari Adinda Shieva Dyandra, Tokopedia
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