Profil Aino
Aino Indonesia is an electronic payment solution provider company for mass transportation, government public services, education and retail. PT Aino Indonesia endorses Less Cash City Solution, a solution of inter-usability, inter-modality, inter-availability, until inter-operability electronic money cards in the city, thus the use of cash may be lessen
Budaya Kerja di Aino
Perusahaan terbuka terhadap ide dan pendapat tanpa memandang level, serta selalu menjadi yang paling berpikiran maju di dalam industrinya
Banyak interaksi positif antar divisi dan level yang terjadi di dalam lingkungan kerja sehari-hari
Karyawan bebas memilih cara kerja yang paling cocok dan efektif selama tidak mengganggu kinerja rekan/divisi lain dan mampu memenuhi target yang diberikan
Karyawan dapat terlibat dan menjadi bagian dari sebuah aktivitas kerja atau perusahaan secara keseluruhan agar dapat memberikan kinerja yang maksimal
Kenapa Aino?
If you're looking for a work environment that cultivates growth, innovation, and appreciates new ideas as potential breakthroughs for the company, then Aino Indonesia is the right one for you. We prioritize teamwork and respect, believing that sharing and a supportive team is what makes a company strong.
Tips dari Aino
Aino Indonesia is a leading electronic payment solution company founded in 2013. We provide solution through the innovation of technology and systems. Our company has expertise team in its field, based in Yogyakarta and Jakarta. We strive for delivering new hope and solution for a better life. “Sedikit lebih beda lebih baik, daripada sedikit lebih baik†- Hastono Bayu Trisnanto, President Director Aino Indonesia If that sounds like the sort of work you wish to do on a daily basis, come join us today!
Diskusi tentang Aino
Lokasi Kantor
Jl. Dr. Saharjo No.83, RW.8, Manggarai, Kec. Tebet, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12850