Profil CIMB Niaga
CIMB Niaga was established as Bank Niaga in 1955. CIMB Group holds around 97.9% of the stakes in CIMB Niaga (including PT Commerce Kapital 1.02%). The Bank offers a comprehensive suite of both conventional and Islamic banking products and services, through an expanding delivery channel network of 919 network channels all over Indonesia as at 30 June 2015, including 563 branches, 271 Mikro Laju units (excluding 18 co-located), 65 cash/payment points (including 21 Digital Lounges) and 20 mobile branches. CIMB Niaga has 15,078 employees as at 30 June 2015. CIMB Niaga consistently continue to innovate in the midst of competitive market. CIMB Niaga put customer centric approach to strengthen its positioning in Indonesia banking industry. And for that reason, CIMB Niaga introduced the new brand positioning ‘Inovasi dari Hati’ at the beginning of the year 2015. The new brand positioning also encourages people to share high growth and take advantage of all the potential that the South-East Asia regions bring – in line with CIMB Group’s brand positioning: “ASEAN for Youâ€. CIMB Group is Malaysia’s second largest financial services provider and one of ASEAN’s leading universal banking groups. It offers consumer banking, investment banking, Islamic banking, asset management and insurance products and services. Headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, the Group is now present in 9 out of 10 ASEAN nations (Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Cambodia, Brunei, Vietnam, Myanmar and Laos). Beyond ASEAN, the Group has market presence in China, Hong Kong, Bahrain, India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, the US, UK and Korea. CIMB Group is listed on the Malaysian stock exchange via CIMB Group Holdings Berhad. As at 30 June 2015, the Group had a market capitalization of USD46.4 billion and about 44,000 employees located in 17 countries.
Budaya Kerja di CIMB Niaga
Karyawan banyak dilibatkan dalam aktivitas kerjasama tim dari divisi dan bagian lain untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan bersama
Banyak interaksi positif antar divisi dan level yang terjadi di dalam lingkungan kerja sehari-hari
Karyawan bebas memilih cara kerja yang paling cocok dan efektif selama tidak mengganggu kinerja rekan/divisi lain dan mampu memenuhi target yang diberikan
Perusahaan terbuka terhadap berbagai isu sosial, menerima keberagaman, serta memastikan adanya kesetaraan kesempatan bagi semua orang terlepas dari status sosial ekonomi dan SARA
Kenapa CIMB Niaga?
As a company, CIMB Niaga has one mission: to help individuals achieve their maximum potential. That's why we offer fresh graduates an exciting and flexible career path to help them gain limitless experience, especially in the banking industry. We also believe that the passion in work that you have will bring us new ideas and perspective beneficial for the growth of CIMB Niaga.
Tips dari CIMB Niaga
We are a customer-centric bank that continues to evolve and cater the ever-changing needs of customer through initiatives in product development, services, events and brand activation, including the “Kejar Mimpi†social movement. With the spirit of “Kejar Mimpiâ€, CIMB Niaga strives to invoke an emotional approach with customers, connecting with them across different life stages in order to better understand their dreams. Align to those business aims, CIMB Niaga is committed to provide employment opportunities for the best candidates to join and build their career with us.
Diskusi tentang CIMB Niaga
Lokasi Kantor
CIMB Niaga
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.Kav 58, RT.5/RW.3, Senayan, Kec. Kby. Baru, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12190