Profil GoPay Indonesia
GoPay is Indonesia's leading e-money wallet. We started as an e-money wallet for GOJEK services, Indonesia’s first and leading ride-sharing application for transport, food delivery, and other on-demand services. Today, with over 8 million + users, we have helped to facilitate transactions that have helped GO-JEK create 500,000+ jobs for our service providers - from the motorcycle drivers down your street to your favorite gorengan and martabak stalls. But, the growth of GO-PAY does not stop here. We are hungry for more. With the addition of three companies (Kartuku, Midtrans, Mapan) laying the foundation for GOJEK's financial services ecosystem, GO-PAY will continue to become the e-money wallet for all our on-demand services. However, it will also fulfill its broader mission of leapfrogging Indonesia to the digital era, bringing financial inclusion to all 260 million Indonesians.
Budaya Kerja di GoPay Indonesia
Karyawan dipercaya untuk menyelesaikan tugas dan memecahkan masalah di tempat kerja dengan caranya sendiri untuk meningkatkan performa dan rasa memiliki terhadap pekerjaannya
Karyawan banyak dilibatkan dalam aktivitas kerjasama tim dari divisi dan bagian lain untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan bersama
Karyawan mampu bekerja dengan baik dalam ritme kerja yang cepat, ingin terus belajar, dan mudah beradaptasi dalam lingkungan kerja yang dinamis dan tidak pasti
Socially Responsible
Perusahaan mengutamakan tanggung jawab misi yang dibawa dan dampak sosial yang ditimbulkan dari segi karyawan atau pun perusahaan itu sendiri
Kenapa GoPay Indonesia?
Other startup companies might offer you unlimited leave, free snacks and cool arcade room as the perks. But here in Gojek, we offer things beyond that! The perks of working at Gojek is you get to work with people who are passionate about what they do, people who you can have a geeky yet inspiring discussions with that could fulfill your food for thoughts.
Tips dari GoPay Indonesia
In Gojek we work to solve critical problems and change fundamental parts of people's lives. We promise you it won’t be easy. There will be days when you have to stay late at the office or miss a friend’s important day. But we can also promise you that it will be fulfilling. You will get opportunities to do work that makes an impact to millions of people by building products that really matter.
Diskusi tentang GoPay Indonesia
Lokasi Kantor
GoPay Indonesia
Pasaraya Blok M Gedung B Lt. 6, Jl. Iskandarsyah II No.7, RT.3/RW.1, Melawai, Kec. Kby. Baru, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12160