Profil Jenius
Jenius is what we call Banking Reinvented. It means that Jenius has all the functions of a bank, but you, as the user, have all the access. You have control over how you want to manage your money. Jenius is more than just a bank. Jenius aims to help its users to achieve synergy between their life and finances and ultimately achieve their goals. Unlike other banks, all banking activities made via Jenius is designed to give you ease and simplicity. All your banking activities can be seen, arranged and managed right from your smartphone, so you can save that trip to the bank and do more important things.
Budaya Kerja di Jenius
Perusahaan terbuka terhadap ide dan pendapat tanpa memandang level, serta selalu menjadi yang paling berpikiran maju di dalam industrinya
Karyawan banyak dilibatkan dalam aktivitas kerjasama tim dari divisi dan bagian lain untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan bersama
Banyak interaksi positif antar divisi dan level yang terjadi di dalam lingkungan kerja sehari-hari
Perusahaan mendukung karyawan untuk berkembang dengan aktif memberikan umpan balik serta program pengembangan yang dibutuhkan dalam lingkup kerja
Kenapa Jenius?
One that we can promise is, that you’ll definitely love to go to work. We ensure you that you’ve got the best environment as possible as your workplace, with the strong culture of teamwork and collaboration. Everyone on our team have their own share of work, but being a team means working side by side. Asides from having fun together, we’ll make sure to deliver a new way of life for you. How else can you get a new way of life if the one behind it doesn’t have one?
Tips dari Jenius
We started with a small team, and we keep growing since then. With tons of new challenges and opportunities, we need more and more brilliant brains on board. From marketing minds, to tech savvy individuals, to creative people, we want to hear from you all. So if you’re interested in growing together with us, then maybe you’re the one we’re looking for.
Diskusi tentang Jenius
Lokasi Kantor
Menara BTPN, Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav. 5.5 - 5.6, Kuningan Timur, Setiabudi, RT.5/RW.2, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12950