Profil PT. Muudah Galaksi Indonesia
Established in 2021, PT Mudah Galaksi Indonesia has founded Muudah as an investment platform that simplifies and enhances your investment experience. We provide Professional Investors services who have an outstanding track record and are selected through a rigorous selection process. With automated mechanisms to follow the suggestions of these Professional Investors, Muudah gives access to investors to achieve the same returns as the professionals.
Diskusi tentang PT. Muudah Galaksi Indonesia
Lokasi Kantor
PT. Muudah Galaksi Indonesia
Menara Standard Chartered Fl. 18 Unit CD, Jl. Prof. DR. Satrio No.164, RT.4/RW.4, Karet Semanggi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan