Profil Sekolah Cikal
We are a community of lifelong learners whom you can trust as a friend to empower your children being successful beyond schooling; whom your children can stay happily and safely to learn and play. We are made to grow since 1999 by Najelaa Shihab and Dewi Soeharto, who believe that the future awaits young great generation to lead and to create a harmonious society. For about 20 years, we have emerged the extensive programs to unfold every children potential for what they love. In developing 5 stars values in our students, Cikal applies innovative teaching method and provides school facilities to ensure whole rounded child needs are met. As per our plan to continue transforming beyond the conventional definition of schooling, we are sure the implementation of our personalized curriculum circle for each and every single one of our students, our competencies based digitally integrated curriculum for all levels, will be even more fun and meaningful. The reflection process among teachers, students, and parents throughout the years will be a lifelong journey of bridging our children to be leaders of the future.
Budaya Kerja di Sekolah Cikal
Perusahaan terbuka terhadap ide dan pendapat tanpa memandang level, serta selalu menjadi yang paling berpikiran maju di dalam industrinya
Socially Responsible
Perusahaan mengutamakan tanggung jawab misi yang dibawa dan dampak sosial yang ditimbulkan dari segi karyawan atau pun perusahaan itu sendiri
Karyawan bebas memilih cara kerja yang paling cocok dan efektif selama tidak mengganggu kinerja rekan/divisi lain dan mampu memenuhi target yang diberikan
Karyawan banyak dilibatkan dalam aktivitas kerjasama tim dari divisi dan bagian lain untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan bersama
Kenapa Sekolah Cikal?
We celebrate diversity and respect each other. We bring our extreme uniqueness as our strengths and work together to drive change and create impact. Diversity in Cikal is beyond the words. It is about diversity in thinking, strengths, and characters that positively contribute to our great culture.
Tips dari Sekolah Cikal
We are looking for extraordinary, creative, and passionate on educational life where you can simply learn and grow with us to be lifelong learners
Diskusi tentang Sekolah Cikal
Lokasi Kantor
Sekolah Cikal
Jl. Lebak Bulus I No.6, RT.1/RW.4, Cilandak Bar., Kec. Cilandak, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12430