Profil PT Sumberdaya Sewatama
Over 27 years of experience in providing power solutions has given PT Sumberdaya Sewatama (“Sewatamaâ€) the recognition it deserves as a leader in the industry. Since our humble beginning as a diesel generator rental, we have grown significantly through the rise of a diversified portfolio in IPP, Energy Efficiency Services, and Operation & Maintenance. While our own subsidiaries have taken us to the forefront of developing long term power solutions. The Synergies that exist among members of Group have provided us with the end-to-end capabilities to ensure effective scales of operation. These, coupled with our decades of experience have enabled us to provide customer satisfaction without fail. Sewatama has enjoyed robust growth since 1992, and now boasts 5 representative offices, in addition to our headquarter in Jakarta, and 4 depot stations that are manned by over 1.160 skilled personnel, as well as a massive installed base of more than 946 Megawatts. Today, Sewatama provides total and integrated power solutions through its two majors business: Power Rental dan Power Plant Services such as Operation & Maintenance, Energy Efficiency Services (Pillar Business), and Independent Power Producer. Our operation and activities cover the entire country of Indonesia, with projects stretching the entire span of the vast archipelago. This experience has encouraged Sewatama to venture beyond the country’s borders for more opportunities. We serve customers from the utility, mining, oil & gas, manufacturing, construction industries as well as industrial estates. We have also successfully established a reputation for being a trusted partner to the government of Indonesia in its national electrification efforts – a testimony to our credibility and reliability in the industry. Moving forward, we will continue to support the government’s effort to establish national electrification, as well as meet the private sector’s growing demand for electrical power. We shall remain faithful to our vision to become the country’s industry leader, providing total power solutions, first to the nation, then the region and the world.
Budaya Kerja di PT Sumberdaya Sewatama
Perusahaan terbuka terhadap ide dan pendapat tanpa memandang level, serta selalu menjadi yang paling berpikiran maju di dalam industrinya
Karyawan dipercaya untuk menyelesaikan tugas dan memecahkan masalah di tempat kerja dengan caranya sendiri untuk meningkatkan performa dan rasa memiliki terhadap pekerjaannya
Karyawan banyak dilibatkan dalam aktivitas kerjasama tim dari divisi dan bagian lain untuk mencapai sebuah tujuan bersama
Perusahaan mendukung karyawan untuk berkembang dengan aktif memberikan umpan balik serta program pengembangan yang dibutuhkan dalam lingkup kerja
Diskusi tentang PT Sumberdaya Sewatama
Lokasi Kantor
PT Sumberdaya Sewatama
Gedung TMT 2 1st Floor Jl. Cilandak KKO No.1 Jakarta Selatan 12560