Seperti apa, sih, karakteristik mahasiswa di kampus ini?
Santai, Kompetitif, Berani, Visioner
ada yg serius, ada yg ngga
Berattitude baik dan berpikiran luas
Generally, hard worker dan ga parah2 bgt lah hehe
Open minded of course, socialized with each other, kind
Open-minded, suka berorganisasi Dan berpartisipasi dlam berbagai macam event akademik/non akademik
Tidak ada senioritas, baik, peduli, ramah
Aktif dan Mandiri
Hahah there are a lot of types.. First type, dilligent students. They will never ever come late to class, They will always be focused during the class Second type, so-so students: They do come late to class, sometimes. They talk during the class, etc but however they always do their assignments. Third type, lazy students: They do come late to class, they dont care abou attendance, they dont care about their assignments either, this is pretty interesting lol :D